It's Flip-Flop Time at New Sun Design!
Deadlines, concepts, meetings, installations… we rush, rush, rush and stress and eventually we break down, lose some of our motivation and inspiration starts slipping away.
Whether you work in a creative environment like us or not… just like the song by Chicago says… “Everybody needs a little time away”. Right? Oh yes… so very right!
That’s why the entire New Sun Design team (myself, Eric, Liebe, Phil and Marge) have decided to high-tail it out of our studio for a couple days to go stick our toes in the lake, rekindle our souls, re-charge our creative juices and have some generally good down-time fun.
It has been scientifically proven that “taking breaks improves productivity” so while we’re swimming, playing crokinole and basking in warm colourful sunsets, we’re not only benefitting ourselves but our clients as well. It’s a win-win situation I’d say.
Now - time to go pack up our flip-flops and sunscreen!